Vacations after Divorce: Invest in Time with Your Family

With summer officially here, many of you are likely taking some time to relax and reconnect with family and friends on a summer vacation. Whether it’s a camping trip to a local state park or a luxurious trip overseas, that change of perspective and time to reconnect with loved ones is an investment, just as your contributions to your retirement savings. It’s a chance to recharge - body, mind, and soul.

Last month, after nearly five years since our last visit, my kids and I returned to my home state of Louisiana for a week of playing, exploring, and time with family and friends. I was struck by how impactful that trip was. With two of my kids off to college, our time with all of us together is limited. Taking the time to get away from work and school and just BE together truly filled my soul. We dined in fine restaurants, holes in the wall, and home kitchens. We toured gardens, museums and the bayou. We painted water colors, danced to live bands, and shopped for souvenirs. But most importantly we reconnected with one another. My kids learned more about me and the place that grew me, and so did I.

These trips with my kids feel different now that my divorce is more than 5 years behind me. In the early days, it felt strange taking the kids by myself as a single mom. I wasn’t accustomed to my new life, my new role, our new family dynamic. But over time, as we all settled in to post-divorce family life, my kids and I fell into an easier rhythm. It helps that they are older and more mature, but I no longer feel like someone or something is missing in our family. We are complete as we are. Our time together on our own, especially with my older kids having left the nest, is so rare and so precious.

I returned refreshed and with a renewed energy to continue building the firm and provide financial planning services that help my clients build a beautiful life. I hope you’ll share with me your travels, be they near or far. (Send photos, please!)

Enjoy these days of sunlight. Talk soon.


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