Retirement, Health Care, Personal Finance Bridget Borel Retirement, Health Care, Personal Finance Bridget Borel

Who’s this “IRMAA”, anyway?

The Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amount, or IRMAA is an additional premium that higher-income retirees must pay for their Medicare Part B and Part D coverage. It’s based on your income and applies to individuals or couples whose income exceeds certain thresholds. Essentially, the more you earn, the more you may pay for Medicare premiums, which includes both medical insurance (Part B) and prescription drug coverage (Part D).

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Elise Barnes Elise Barnes


Don’t leave money on the table in your divorce. Learn about QDROs (Qualified Domestic Relations Orders) and important points to make the most of them in your divorce settlement and your financial plan.

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Bridget Borel Bridget Borel

3 Common Investing Mistakes

Many people start out managing their own investments. But as their earnings and assets grow, their financial needs and challenges become more complex—and continuing to go at about it alone could prove costly in terms of investing miscues.

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Divorce Bridget Borel Divorce Bridget Borel

Transformation Through Divorce

We all deserve to feel the hurt or anger or confusion that can come with divorce. But let’s not stay there. Let’s not sit in it. Let’s think about what we can do to truly take care of ourselves and work toward a future of our choosing.

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