Let’s build something beautiful.


Financial Planning for All Phases of Life

We partner with clients to simplify wealth management and build a beautiful life, even in the face of inevitable challenges. Our collaborative process is here for you throughout all phases of life – from navigating a major transition to planning for wealth transfer or an intentional charitable giving plan. We build a strong financial foundation that can weather the twists and turns of life, giving you peace of mind and leaving you the time and energy to spend on what you love and value most.

We focus on women who have experienced a major transition – divorce, death of a loved one, marriage, career change, or birth of a child. We especially love working with clients wanting to serve a greater purpose through charitable work or their vocational path.

Who We Serve

  • Women in a life transition seeking financial clarity and peace of mind


  • Mid-career professionals who want a partner in defining goals and implementing the strategies to reach them


  • Anyone who resonates with our message and is ready for an ongoing relationship with an advisor


Don’t think about making women fit the world — think about making the world fit women.
— Gloria Steinem


How We Can Work Together

What is ongoing financial planning? Rather than taking a snapshot of where you are right now, we use that snapshot as a starting point to discuss your goals and how you can best reach them. Our process takes us through all financial areas of your life, laying out action items that we help you implement, and continual monitoring of your progress. While there are occasions when a “project plan” makes sense to help with a particular life event, our most satisfying work happens in an ongoing relationship where clients are curious and engaged in their financial decisions, but value the expertise and even-handedness of an advisor.


Bridget Borel, Founder and CEO of The Pearl Financial Planning

The Pearl grew out of Bridget’s own experience of going through divorce and the loss of her mother in the same year. She understands that our financial decisions happen in the emotional context of our lives. She wanted to create a firm where women felt comfortable taking charge of their financial future, and where anyone feels safe to rely on a trusted advisor to stand beside them to create a life they truly want to live. She wants to help clients align their money with their values and purpose, and live and retire in a fulfilled way.


Know your financial decisions are important but want help putting together the pieces? Let’s talk.